The No-IP team is proud to share that one of our Software Engineers, Julian Vu, received his Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the top engineering schools in the country!
To say that Julian is an asset to the Development team would be an understatement, and the fact that he worked full-time at No-IP while going to school part-time is truly a testament to his intelligence and commitment. Although he is entertaining the idea of pursuing a Ph.D., he teaches Computer Science part-time at Truckee Meadows Community College. Julian shared that:
“I eventually realized that I’ve always derived a great deal of intrinsic value in teaching others what I know, and a master’s degree would give me the depth of knowledge and the credentials to teach college students. As luck would have it, that is exactly what I’m doing now!”
The subjects Julian learned during his studies are truly fascinating. In his Information Security class, he learned about the nuances of cybersecurity and the offensive and defensive techniques used in computer systems today. However, it made him quite paranoid about anything tech-related. Julian also discovered that his classes both pushed and challenged his way of thinking.
For example, the most interesting and thought-provoking class he took was Human-Computer Interaction. In this class, he studied how people interact with technology, from digital touch screens on a smartphone to the mechanical levers and wheels in a car. It gave him a different perspective on the software he develops, and he now finds himself thinking, “Is this something a user would find intuitive?”. This is certainly useful as the No-IP team strives to make our products as user-friendly as possible.
Julian is truly a master of his field. As to his plans for the future, Julian says he is happy to have a break from school and is still open to pursuing his Ph.D. Whatever he chooses to do, the No-IP team is incredibly proud of him and excited to see what he accomplishes next!
Congrats, Julian!