Intelbras and No-IP: A Perfect Pair
The No-IP team would like to give a resounding “Bem-Vindo” to our new Intelbras customers!
No-IP has recently partnered with Intelbras, a Brazilian computer equipment company that has been providing innovative solutions for the past 45 years. Intelbras is also one of the largest manufacturers of routers in Brazil and is involved in both research and development and integrated solutions.
Intelbras reached out to No-IP for one main reason: Their users frequently requested integration with No-IP, and they listened. Not only is No-IP part of their Integrations list on their interface, but is the default Dynamic DNS provider. Not only that, but users will be able to find No-IP resource links in the Intelbras product interfaces, including a link to our sign-up page.
Take a peek below of a few Knowledge Base articles that were created for our Intelbras integrated users:
Intebras DDNS Setup
The integrations with Intelbras has allowed an easy way to setup Dynamic DNS (DDNS) directly on your router instead of using a separate client.

Take a look at our Knowledge Base article, here.
Integras Port Forwarding Setup
Port forwarding (Port Mapping) is the next step after configuring Dynamic DNS (DDNS) when your goal is to connect to a remote device.

Take a look at our Knowledge Base article, here. It allows users to reference the steps in both English and Portuguese.
But wait—there’s more: Intelbras and No-IP are continuing to develop future features for integrated users, so stay tuned!
No-IP’s Resident Rockstar and Intelbras Liason
The No-IP team would also like to give a special shoutout to Emilio Wuerges, who works remotely in Brazil and is part of our Platform team. Emilio participated in and facilitated communication between the No-IP and Intelbras teams during negotiations. In turn, he helped strengthened the partnership between the two companies with his gregarious attitude and his wealth of technical knowledge. He is also an Intelbras fan!
Check out our previous blog where we shared one of Emilio’s recent accomplishments at the ICPC Latin American Finals earlier this year.
Support is an Understatement
Our awesome Customer Support team is well-equipped to help answer any questions our Intelbras-integrated users might have. You can reach out to them directly, here.