This year, System Administrator (SysAdmin) Appreciation Day is Friday July 28th, 2023, and the No-IP team would like to give a virtual round of applause to all the IT professionals out there!
This day was created back in 2000 by Ted Kekatos when he saw a Hewlitt-Packard ad in a magazine showing an IT admin getting praise and flowers for installing a printer and realized that IT admins don’t get nearly as much credit as they deserved – And he’s right! He went on to take the last Friday of the month of July as a means to not just appreciate, but celebrate all the things that SysAdmins do.
If you don’t already know, SysAdmins are the reason you are able to connect to your company network seamlessly. They support, troubleshoot, and manage almost everything: The computers, devices, and network. Without the meticulous skills and knowledge of SysAdmins, things would literally come to a stand-still at any company or business.
So if you can, take some time out of your day to show some appreciation to the team that works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that you experience no technical hiccups. Happy SysAdmin Day!