Back, Back, Back it Up!
The No-IP team is here to remind you to celebrate World Backup Day on March 31st by doing what so many people forget or neglect to do: Backup to save your data and thus better protect it.
It’s easy to continue storing those precious pictures and videos on the device you’re using to take them, or to rely on a cloud solution to keep your files at immediate reach. According to the World Backup Day website, “A backup is a copy of all your important files — for example, your family photos, home videos, documents and emails. Instead of storing it all in one place (like your computer or smartphone), you keep a copy of everything somewhere safe.”
Unfortunately, there is a long list of scenarios where your information can be compromised, and many people realize or catch it when it’s too late for recovery. Don’t fret! Take a look below at some tips and tricks to make sure you are backing up your information efficiently:
Safe, Secure, and Private
A Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a device, typically used by small businesses and homeowners, that connects to a wireless router and consolidates storage in one place. A NAS device can hold a variety of different things like audio and video files, websites, and Microsoft Office documents, and is commonly used as a storage filer for the work cloud. It supports archiving and backup, and allows users to share and access data remotely from anywhere, even via a mobile device. You can use No-IP’s Dynamic DNS to ensure you can always access your information anytime. This is more secure than utilizing cloud storage, which are prone to constant cyberattacks. Check out this full tutorial on how to set up a Synology NAS device and use No-IP to access it remotely.
Testing One, Two, Three
Testing your passwords and security might be one more mundane thing to add to your ever-growing to-do list. However, when it comes down to it, you’ll be grateful for this extra maintenance step. Testing your backups by trying to restore a file is a great way to stay prepared. This will let you know how easy (or hard) it will be to recover a file. Furthermore, it will ensure that you have everything set up properly.
Spring Cleaning Shouldn’t Just be for Spring
Don’t forget disk cleanup and defragmentation! Over time, your storage device can become cluttered with temporary files, cached data, and fragmented files. Regular disk cleanup and defragmentation can help optimize storage space. Looking for a place to start? Delete temporary files, downloads, or anything that you no longer want or need to keep around. Even better, regularly backing up important data and organizing files can help prevent clutter and improve system responsiveness.
A Holiday Worth Celebrating
Implementing a structured data management strategy can also contribute to a faster and more efficient computing experience, as well as make sure you don’t lose out on important or sentimental items.