The holiday season is a time to reflect on the year and to give back to those in need. For the fourth year in a row, No-IP is hosting their Giving Thanks Food and Toy Drive to benefit the local community.
The Giving Thanks Food and Toy Drive will benefit the Children’s Cabinet, a local non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping the children of Northern Nevada.
We are looking for donations of nonperishable food items and unwrapped toys and games, gift cards, clothing, hygiene products for children (birth through 24 years old) and their parents and caregivers.
We believe in giving back to the local Reno-Sparks community. The holiday season means many different things to people; for some, it’s a joyous time filled with family and friends, but for too many, it’s a time of year that is met with incredible hardship and sadness.
“The fact that we can help local families give their children joy during a difficult time is the true meaning of the holiday season to us,” stated Natalie Goguen, Marketing Manager. “I am so thankful to work for a company that believes so much in giving back to the local community,” said Goguen.
Want to help? To donate to the Giving Thanks Food and Toy Drive, please bring donations to the No-IP office at 425 Maestro Dr. Second Floor, Reno, NV 89511, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Donations will be accepted from Tuesday, November 28 through Tuesday, December 12. Food items should be nonperishable. Please ensure that items are not expired. Toys should be new and unwrapped. Donations can be left in the box at the front door.
Since 1985, The Children’s Cabinet has been providing a wide range of crisis intervention services, including Safe Place, a service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for youth experiencing violence, abuse or exploitation. Their programs also include runaway and homeless youth services, substance abuse and gang intervention programming, work experience training, and independent living for former foster care youth.
Since its founding, No-IP has grown to more than 25 million customers and is the preferred choice for dynamic DNS. No-IP provides powerful, useful, and reliable services to home users, small businesses and members of the Fortune 500. From Dynamic DNS to Managed DNS and other integral domain products, No-IP delivers trusted products that help people stay connected to their devices and ensures that the domain and related services are fast, safe and always available.