Are you from Reno? Do you use our awesome DNS services for your personal life or business? Do you like free food? Then we want to hear from you!
We are hosting a special event for our fellow Reno-ites on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 5:30 pm.
Your participation in the event would help No-IP answer questions like:
– What is a feature improvement you’d like to see?
– How did you find No-IP?
– Who would win in a fight, a shark with a laser beam attached to its head or a bear with titanium claws? (The bear totally would win, right??)
The event should take about an hour, and will be held in our fancy new office.* Food and drinks will be provided to all participants in exchange for your brilliant expertise.
If you would like to be a part of this special event, please RSVP by May 29th. To RSVP simply fill out this short form.
Thank you for choosing No-IP. We hope to see you soon!
*Neither sharks nor bears will be in attendance.