Remote access is the ability to access a computer or device remotely. It sounds simple enough, right?
Continue ReadingWhat is Remote Access and How Can I Use It?
Integrated Dynamic DNS Capabilities Becoming a Thing of the Past
Did you know that during a recent poll that we conducted, 50% of our users answered the main reason that they use No-IP Free is for remote access?

But even as remote access has been on the rise, many router manufacturers are actually making it more difficult for users to take advantage of easy, free, integrated Dynamic DNS solutions. We are fighting to make Remote Access even easier by offering our Integrated Services for free to manufacturers. At No-IP, we are committed to constant improvement. Our development team is continuously innovating and updating our products to help us stay at the forefront of new technologies.
Free Dynamic DNS Providers are becoming few and far between, with No-IP remaining as one of the last truly free dynamic DNS providers.
Interested in adding No-IP as an integrated dynamic DNS provider in your device? It doesn’t have to be a daunting task, download our exclusive white paper to learn how easy we make it.
[TIP] 6 Cool Ways College Students Can Use DNS
1. Research Faster and More Efficiently: Faster internet browsing for all of those last minute term papers. Sites hosted with reliable DNS will always be available when you need them most.
2. Get Better Grades: Forgot your term paper at home that’s due in 15 minutes? Don’t use the “dog ate my homework” excuse, log in to your computer from school, access your files and viola! Crisis averted.
3. Play Video Games With Your Friends From Home: Far away from all of your video game buddies from home? Wipe those tears away, because with DDNS you can run your own game server on your dynamic IP from your dorm room!
4. Be the Life of the Party: At a party with really lame music, but forgot your IPod? Be the hit of the party by accessing your entire music library on the go! (Just make sure you don’t play the YMCA.)
5. Sharing is Caring: Live in an apartment with multiple computers? Want to easily share files, music and movies? Create your own VPN server in your apartment or dorm.
6. Save Money: Food disappearing quicker than usual? Do you suspect that your roommate is secretly munching all of your Cheetos at 2am? Set up a security camera and catch the culprit red (er orange?) handed! Just make sure you keep the camera rated G by not installing them in a bathroom, bedroom, or other places where people expect privacy.
Other tips and ideas on ways college students can use DNS ? Add them below! And check out our website to learn about our awesome DNS products.