How Dynamic DNS enhances connectivity and accessibility allows users to remotely access their devices without the hassle
Today, we start off with the first blog of our Connecting the Digital Dots series. Unsurprisingly, the Domain Name System (DNS) is something that not many people understand, at least not fully.
We recently put out an in-depth e-book explaining what DNS is and how to choose the best service for you. Although it is full of great information to educate you on what Dynamic DNS is, below is a great quick guide and review on how you can wield Dynamic DNS to your advantage.
What does Dynamic DNS Do?
First things first: Your devices need to connect to your IP address to stay connected and allow you access to them remotely. However, if you ever look at an IP address, is it a long string of numbers that anyone would have difficulty remembering off the top of their head. Even more frustrating is that IP addresses change unpredictably.
A hostname is an easy-to-remember name that corresponds to a numerical IP address. It can be used to connect to a device or service on a network using a memorable name instead of an IP address.
Why Should You Use Dynamic DNS?
Without DDNS, you would have to update the settings in every single one of your devices to point to the correct IP address and go through the steps to verify that they are indeed connected.
DDNS allows you to use an easy-to-remember hostname to access your internet-connected devices instead of having to remember and update that ever-changing IP address.
DDNS allows you access to networked devices, like printers, scanners, or media servers. The connection makes it easy to locate and connect to these devices on the network. Plus, you can secure remote access to a network, device, or application, which makes it possible to work remotely without compromising security. Furthermore, You can enhance your DDNS connection by adding a system monitoring service (also provided by No-IP) that allows you to monitor the status of your network, including devices and services that are online or offline. This can help you identify and troubleshoot issues with your network without wasting time using the elimination process.
Security inside and outside: Most people don’t know or don’t realize that security cameras automatically have their IP addresses changed for security reasons. While this security is helpful in preventing hackers from accessing your cameras, it could be an IT pain in the head. Thankfully, DDNS allows you to use an easy-to-remember hostname to access your internet-connected devices instead of having to remember and update that ever-changing IP address.
Individuals and businesses must have secure and reliable access to their network and devices from anywhere in the world, especially in a world where phishers, hackers, and other cyber threats are so prevalent. A DDNS provider with strong security features can provide an added layer of protection against potential cyber threats looking to access your smart locks or security cameras.
Why No-IP?
Continuous connectivity and accessibility are key to managing your IP network in a way that is effortless and seamless. No-IP is a DDNS service that allows you to assign a hostname to your dynamic IP address. Once you have signed up for a No-IP account and have installed the No-IP Dynamic Update Client on your device, the client will automatically update your IP address with No-IP whenever it changes.
If you are looking to make things easier for you, then sign up for our free service, today!