We would like to take a few moments to give 20 million thanks to our 20 million users!
15 years passes by more quickly than you’d think!
It seems like just a short time ago, that No-IP had its humble beginnings in a dorm room at Sonoma State University. 20 million customers and 15 years later, we couldn’t be more proud of the brand we are today.
As the industry leaders of Free Dynamic DNS, we pride ourselves on our unique company culture and our amazing technical support; when you call us, we answer!
It has been an exciting year for us. We launched 2 new charity events to raise community awareness and also made the Inc. 5000, which was a huge success for us. All while growing our team by 7 people. We are excited about what the future holds for No-IP.
Since 1999, our users have been spreading the word about No-IP and the helpful services that we offer. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for all of you, so thank you! Thank you for being loyal customers and choosing No-IP as your Dynamic DNS and Managed DNS provider!
What’s your favorite thing about our services? Prices, features, technical support? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter using the hashtag #20million (be sure to use our handle too, @noipcom) and you might win a No-IP T-shirt!