It was 12 days before Christmas and the office was quiet.
No-IP’s marketing team couldn’t deny it.
The tree had been trimmed and the decorations hung.
Promotions had been discussed and parties were flung.
So they thought what else can we do?
Post to Facebook, Twitter and write a blog entry too?
Yes, thought the team but what about?
DNS, domains names, or maybe trace route?
No, it’s the holidays, we need to be clever.
Maybe we can write a song about the weather…
What about the 12 days of Techmas one shouted aloud?
It would be witty and engaging and entertain our crowd.
So we went to work, to create this festive song.
We hope that you like it and choose to read along.
This is not a promotion, no prizes to be won.
It was created simply to bring joy and for fun.
So read it and share it with all the friends that you like.
We wish a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Don’t celebrate Christmas? That’s okay too!
So Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Boxing Day, Omisoka or Festivus to you!
The 12 Days of Techmas…
On the First Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…A 100% Uptime Guarantee
On the Second Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…2 Years of Dynamic DNS
On the Third Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…3 Free Hostnames
On the Fourth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…4 Hours of Priority Support
On the Fifth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…..5 Email Forwards
On the Sixth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me….6 SSL Certificates
On the Seventh Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…7 Days of Email Holding
On the Eighth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…80 Domain Options
On the Ninth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…19 Points of Presence
On the Tenth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…10 Days of Online Monitor Logs
On the Eleventh Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…11 POP3/IMAP Accounts
On the Twelfth Day of Techmas No-IP gave to me…12 Top Level Domains