Last week I spent five days in sunny Cancun, Mexico. My husband and I took the trip as a late honeymoon and we have never traveled together out of the country. We were excited but also nervous because, like many of you, we own dogs. We actually have three dogs and no kids, so obviously
Continue ReadingHow I Went to Mexico Without My Dogs and Didn’t Freak Out!
A Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates
When it comes to your company’s website, security is king. You want to make your users feel safe when entering in personal data on your website. This is especially true for company’s that sell products and services like Amazon, but also for other sites that require accounts to be created like Facebook or Twitter. The easiest
Continue Reading11 Tips for Using Dynamic DNS Like a Pro
At No-IP, we know that you have questions about using our services and we want to help. We asked our industry-leading Support Team to create a list of tips that you may find helpful. All of the tips are related to setting up and running our Free and Enhanced Dynamic DNS services, check them out below.
Continue ReadingNo-IP Makes Improvements to Anycast Network
A few weeks ago we made a joke about putting a Point of Presence on the Moon. While that may not be true, one thing is. We are making huge improvements to our Anycast Network.
Continue ReadingNo-IP, Not Just a Dynamic DNS Provider
In 1999, No-IP started out as a dynamic DNS provider, working to bring you the best DNS in the world. Over the years, it has branched out into other areas, while continuing to make Dynamic DNS its biggest focus. Not only does No-IP offer the world’s best free Dynamic DNS, but it has an array of
Continue ReadingMistakes Great SysAdmins Never Make
At No-IP, we have one of the greatest SysAdmin’s in the business. We are lucky that he can juggle all the tasks given to him without causing any downtime and making very few errors. It is not an easy job and is harder when preventable mistakes are made. That is why great Sysadmins set themselves
Continue ReadingNo-IP Continues to Grow with Addition of Corporate Development Manager
No-IP added a new addition to the team this week. Jason Puccinelli, a Reno native, will head the business development team as the new Corporate Development Manager. He hopes to help No-IP grow both in terms of revenue and organizationally as well.
Continue ReadingNo-IP’s Revised Hours for February 2016
No-IP will work revised hours on Monday, February 15 and will be closed Friday, February 26. In observance of Presidents Day, No-IP will be working revised hours Monday, February 15. Support will be answering tickets as well as any Priority Support phone calls made from 9 am to 5 pm. We will resume normal support hours at 6:30
Continue ReadingWhy Branded Email is Good for Business
Nothing drives me crazier than getting an email from a company at It looks tacky and unprofessional and makes me wonder if they are a legitimate business or some sort of phishing scam. Usually, it makes me take my business elsewhere. There are many reasons your business needs to use a branded email. Find
Continue ReadingCase Study: The Unique Way One Customer Uses No-IP
Did you know No-IP’s dynamic DNS can be used for more than monitoring your home, setting up a game server and connecting to your private cloud? It’s true, and one of our customers is using his dynamic DNS in a way we never imagined. He uses it to remote access his tortoise habitat.
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