We Got Game! No-IP’s Favorite Video Games of 2014

This year at No-IP, we have played our fair share of foosball in the office. But outside of work it’s all about the video games! So we decided to find out what games were most loved by our staff of semi-professional foosball players.

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Ho-Ho-Holiday Technical Support Hours

It’s hard to believe that we are already in the midst of the holiday season! We just wanted to make everyone aware of our Technical Support hours over the next few special days.

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Want to See Your Business on Our Homepage?

Want a chance for your business to be featured on our homepage?

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The 12 Days of Techmas

It was 12 days before Christmas and the office was quiet.  No-IP’s marketing team couldn’t deny it. The tree had been trimmed and the decorations hung.  Promotions had been discussed and parties were flung.  So they thought what else can we do? Post to Facebook, Twitter and write a blog entry too? Yes, thought the team

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20 Million Thanks!

We would like to take a few moments to give 20 million thanks to our 20 million users!

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Top Level Domains | What TLDs are used for what?

At No-IP, you can choose from a number of Top Level Domains when registering for a domain name. Many people however don’t know exactly which one to pick. So what are they and what are they used for? .com – This TLD was designed specifically for commercial use. It quickly has become the most popular

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10 Gift Ideas for the Tech Geek in Your Family – Holiday Buying Guide

Trying to find the perfect gift for the techie in your life but have no idea what they want? Let No-IP help! We have come up with a list of gifts guaranteed to impress. Check them out below. 1. UDI U818A Drone  It might not deliver mail to your door but, for less than $70, the UDI

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No-IP Launches Toy Drive to Help Community Foster Children

No-IP launches a Toy Drive to help bring smiles to Washoe County children in foster care. You can help spread the joy of the holidays to local children in need! Please contribute a new, unwrapped toy or game to put under the Christmas tree at No-IP by Monday, December 15th. Your donations will benefit Kids Kottage. The Kids

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No-IP’s ISC East Recap

A few weeks ago we attended ISC East in New York City. It was a great experience for us as first time attendees of the trade show and we garnered some great insight into the security world. We spent the majority of the trade show at our booth discussing our current product offerings and launching our newest

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Surviving the Holidays for the Tech Savvy

It’s that time of year again. You are heading to another awkward holiday gathering where you will have forced conversation with relatives you hardly ever see. But that isn’t even the worst of it. Between the warm egg nog and burnt turkey you will inevitably be asked, “Hey, can you help me fix my computer?” It

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