Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From No-IP

It’s been an exciting year at No-IP, full of new hires, network expansions, a new website launch, an entirely new (super awesome) office and so much more. We are happy to announce that this year has been one of the best years on record for No-IP. We continue to thrive and grow within a competitive

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DNS Uptime Guaranteed, Even If a Blizzard Hits

Last week, we received our first major snowfall in Reno. Do you know if your website’s DNS will be able to withstand a blizzard? Having a managed DNS solution in place will ensure that your website will experience 100% uptime even during a natural disaster, but how? If your websites DNS is managed by No-IP

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9 Easy Ways to Choose a Safe and Secure Password


We are quickly becoming accustomed to hackers gaining access to passwords.

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Happy 30th Birthday DNS!

happy birthday DNS

In a recent email on the DNS operations mailing list, it was noted by Ondřej Surý that the RFC 882 and 883

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Giving Thanks to Managed DNS During the Busiest Shopping Season of the Year

santa shopping

Do you know what is mostly responsible for keeping all of your favorite websites online during all those amazing Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?

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No-IP’s Advanced API Now Featured in NETGEAR Routers

oem partners no-ip dynamic dns

RENO, NV — November 1, 2013 — No-IP, the world’s largest free dynamic DNS provider, has teamed up with NETGEAR®, Inc. to release the next generation of integrated dynamic DNS.

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This Day in Tech History: October 29, 1969

happy birthday DNS

Today is a very special day in tech history, 44 years ago, the Internet was born.

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How to Setup Remote Access For a Computer With a Dynamic IP Address

Remote access is a cool tool to setup if you would like to access your computer remotely from work or while away on vacation.

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Snotty Ron Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

snotty ron chocolate cupcake recipe

We have received SO many requests for the Snotty Ron Cupcake Recipe, that we finally decided to share it with everyone!

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3 Ways to Ensure Your Website Will Experience 100% Uptime

managed dns website traffic

The holiday season is fast approaching, this time of the year is typically where most businesses make most of their earnings.

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