Happy Tax Day!

Happy Tax Day! Enjoy 20% off! *Not valid on renewals. Expires April 16th.

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What is DNS?

What is DNS?

Let’s start with the basics, the basis of the system. DNS stands for Domain Name Service. What is DNS? It’s like the whitepage directory for the Internet. You supply a name, DNS supplies a number. The name in this case is specifically a hostname and the number is an IP address. Without DNS you would have to remember

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How to Setup a Home FTP Server with a Dynamic IP Address

FTP sites (which stands for File Transfer Protocol) are great for file sharing and the ability to access and edit files remotely over an IP-based network.   You can easily download music, videos, and other large files that would normally be impossible to share via email. The only trouble is many ISPs only offer dynamic IP addresses, making it nearly

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Domain Management Concepts: Thinking Strategically About DNS

Many times, it’s only after a DNS has come under attack or after it has suffered unwanted downtime that we start thinking strategically about DNS. DNS is an integral component of your overall website strategy.  Individuals and enterprises alike spend valuable resources creating and promoting their brands and forget about managing perhaps the most important aspect of it – their domain name.

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[TIP] Register Your Own Domain Name

I just recently read a case that is currently being disputed in court. The claim? The complainant, TCR Business Systems, asserts that the Respondent (a former employee) registered a domain (under their direction) and the respondent is now claiming ownership of that domain.  The problem? TCR says that the respondent was told to register the domain,

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[MAC OSX] Cool Hidden Easter Eggs!

Check out these cool Easter eggs… Do you know one that isn’t listed? Leave it in the comments! Enjoy! Important Dates in History 1. Open the Terminal.app. You can find it in the Applications folder > Utilities or hit the command+space bar, this will open the finder in the top right corner of your screen.

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6 Cool Hidden Easter Eggs in Windows 7

Since Easter is right around the corner, check out 6 cool Easter eggs for Windows 7… Happy Easter!  1. God Mode This hidden egg will conveniently put hundreds of settings from all over the os into one place. How?

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Holiday Shopping Brought to You By Managed DNS

santa shopping

I am a total sucker for an online deal; 1 day sales, Cyber Monday sales, Black Friday sales, I am the exact target market. So it should be no surprise I also love holiday shopping!

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What are MX Records? Anatomy of a DNS Zone File – Part Three


A mail exchange record or MX record is a type of record in a DNS zone file. MX records are responsible for specifying which mail server is in charge of receiving email messages on behalf of a domain. When you send an e-mail, your computer queries the DNS for the MX records of the recipient’s

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The Anatomy of a DNS Zone File – Part Two: What are NS Records and Why Are They Important to DNS?

An NS record or (name server record) tells recursive name servers which name servers are authoritative for a zone.  Recursive name servers look at the NS records to work out who to ask next when resolving a name. You can have as many NS records as you would like in your zone file.   The

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