At No-IP, we believe in learning from experience. Last year, we added Liam to the team as the second intern to ever work for us. Last month, we added our third intern, Nick Wehrhan, to the development team. Nick comes to us from the University of Nevada, Reno, where he is currently majoring in Computer
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Create Hostnames on Your Own Domain with No-IP Plus Managed DNS
Do you ever wish you didn’t have to use a different domain for your website and your dynamic DNS? Well, you don’t have to if you add No-IP’s Plus Managed DNS to your current domain name. Adding Plus Managed DNS to your domain will allow you to create up to 50 hostnames on your own domain
Continue ReadingNo-IP Adds Engineering Lead Mike Mason to the No-IP Team
Last week, No-IP welcomed a new member to the development team. Mike Mason took on a new role as Engineering Lead and will help oversee and manage development projects.
Continue Reading[SCAM ALERT] Web Listings Inc.
Recently, one of our team members got an letter in the mail from Web Listings Inc. regarding a domain they have registered with us. The letter looks like a bill, describing the service you will be paying for and telling you where to mail your check.
Continue Reading30 Things You Can do While Waiting for a Record to Update
One minute may not seem like a lot of time, unless of course you have ever run on a treadmill. However, that is as long as it takes to update a record on the No-IP server. An update is any change made to a hostname or domain name which can include, setting a new TXT record
Continue ReadingHow I Went to Mexico Without My Dogs and Didn’t Freak Out!
Last week I spent five days in sunny Cancun, Mexico. My husband and I took the trip as a late honeymoon and we have never traveled together out of the country. We were excited but also nervous because, like many of you, we own dogs. We actually have three dogs and no kids, so obviously
Continue ReadingA Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates
When it comes to your company’s website, security is king. You want to make your users feel safe when entering in personal data on your website. This is especially true for company’s that sell products and services like Amazon, but also for other sites that require accounts to be created like Facebook or Twitter. The easiest
Continue Reading11 Tips for Using Dynamic DNS Like a Pro
At No-IP, we know that you have questions about using our services and we want to help. We asked our industry-leading Support Team to create a list of tips that you may find helpful. All of the tips are related to setting up and running our Free and Enhanced Dynamic DNS services, check them out below.
Continue ReadingNo-IP Makes Improvements to Anycast Network
A few weeks ago we made a joke about putting a Point of Presence on the Moon. While that may not be true, one thing is. We are making huge improvements to our Anycast Network.
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