Get Ready for No-IP’s 12 Days of DNS

The weather outside might be frightful, but prizes are so delightful! From Saturday, December 12 through Thursday, December 24, No-IP will be doing the 12 Days of DNS! During these 12 days we will be giving away No-IP swag, discounts, free services and much more.

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Holiday Support Hours 2015

The holidays are upon us once again! Snow is on the ground, cheer is in the air and our office is in the full preparation mode! We want to make sure you’re prepared as well. We will be working revised hours this month, so that our employees can enjoy the holidays with their family and friends.

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No-IP Hosts 2nd Annual Toy Drive to Help Community Foster Children

No-IP hosts 2nd Annual Toy Drive to help bring smiles to Washoe County children in foster care. You can help spread the joy of the holidays to local children in need! Please contribute a new, unwrapped toy or game to put under the Christmas tree at No-IP by Friday, December 18th.

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No-IP Hosts Second Annual Food Drive

No-IP hosted its second annual food drive for the Evelyn Mount Community Outreach to help feed those in need. The donations were made by employees and included canned goods as well as Thanksgiving specific items like turkeys, hams, potatoes and stuffing.

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No-IP will be Closed on Nov. 26 for Thanksgiving

At No-IP we love turkey, and potatoes, and pie…oh and our families too! We also love all of you and work very hard to give you the best DNS possible, but our families miss us. Because of this, No-IP will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 26.

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Why Clinton Electronics Chose to Integrate with No-IP


At No-IP we rely on our customers for our success. This means not only our service users, but the manufacturers who make it so easy for you to use our dynamic DNS. Clinton Electronics is one of those manufacturers. They use a custom integration in their DVRs to give customers access to No-IP’s dynamic DNS in an simple and

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4 Dynamic DNS Myths Debunked

DNS Myths

Dynamic DNS can be a scary set of words. People don’t know what it is, don’t understand it or think that is somehow doesn’t apply to their life. I know, I use to be that same person. Had you asked me a few years ago what Dynamic DNS was, I would have looked at you

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Support Question of the Day: Why does my hostname get deleted even though I am running the Dynamic Update Client Application?

No-IP Will Work Revised Support Hours on Veterans Day

In observance of Veterans Day, No-IP support will be working revised hours Wednesday, November 12.

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Visual Armor Sees 200% ROI with Managed Access

Visual Armor is a security company based in Ohio that specializes in security systems for businesses, schools and residential properties. They service more than 300 clients around the state of Ohio, providing video surveillance, access control, alarm systems and monitoring services. This is their Managed Access use case. 

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