Mail Reflector and Backup MX Service [NOTICE]

Due to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation that has swept the East Coast, customers with Mail Reflector and/or Backup MX Email Services will have their emails held for 14 days, instead of the typical 7 day retention period.

We wish all of our East Coast users a fast recovery. Our thoughts go out to everyone. Stay safe.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our support team!

Halloween Trivia![GIVEAWAY]

Halloween Trivia! The correct answers to our are:


CONGRATS to our winners of our Halloween Giveaway! If you are one of the following poeople, please email your t-shirt size to Please note, we are currently out of size Medium shirts. If you would like a $15 No-IP credit instead, simply request it in the email. Thanks!!

george moon
adam robertson
alex copland
richard sheasley
dawn herrick
Mitchell Blommestyn
Dave Gavin


Hurricane Sandy vs. DNS Redundancy

As Hurricane Sandy (Frankenstorm) barrels towards the East Coast threatening tens of millions of people, promising to be the “storm of the century”, a lot of our users are wondering, what will happen to my domain? Will it be okay? Will it suffer any downtime?

Yes and NO. Although No-IP does have points of presence in Ashburn, Virginia and New Jersey, our robust network will not be affected by power outages or flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy because our network is globally redundant. All data that is hosted at these two locations is also hosted at our 9 other locations across the globe and since our network is backed by our Anycast DNS, if one of these data centers were to go down, the traffic will just be routed to the next nearest location.

Please remember  DNS is an essential part of the Internet.  If your web servers are only hosted in one location, and something happens, your entire website can be wiped out. Having DNS that is hosted in many geographically diverse locations, like ours, means that even if the unthinkable happens, your customers will still be able to reach your site.

The location of DNS servers is important in ensuring 100% uptime. We deploy name servers across the globe at geographically unique data centers using different tier 1 bandwidth providers to ensure a natural disaster or connectivity outage does not disrupt our robust DNS network. Check out No-IP Plus Managed DNS for more information.

To all of our friends and families on the east coast, we hope you find a safe place to ride out the storm with your loved ones.



[VIDEO] How to Create a Free Dynamic DNS Account

Creating  a Free Dynamic DNS account is easy!

No-IP Customer Highlight Series: BC Perigramma

Today we are starting a series highlighting some of the unique uses for the No-IP service.

BC Perigramma is an innovative Greek company that is cutting carbon emissions and providing cheaper power to thousands of people, and No-IP’s Dynamic DNS service is an important component of their Solar Park operation.

The design and implementation of 11 photovoltaic systems (PV systems) with a total power output of 1.7 MWp (roughly enough energy to power 2000 homes for a year) is no small task. The systems consist of solar panels from companies such as Suntech and Bosch, and over 150 inverters from SMA. The PV plants will prevent over 3,108 Tons of Carbon Dioxide every year.

Monitoring the parks and the thousands of sensors is another major undertaking. Up to the minute, information is crucial and allows for corrective and preventive maintenance to be performed as needed, avoiding costly outages of service.

“In every park, we place 3G cards to have information about the park’s performance,” stated Theodor Tsiolis, Mechanical Engineer- BC Perigramma.

With 3G modems in the field and No-IP updating the changing IP address, the BC Perigramma team is able to efficiently and effectively run the entire grid remotely.

No-IP is proud to be a world leader in Dynamic DNS services and we are happy to help you, whether your goal is hosting a Minecraft server or powering your city.

No-IP Website Now In Over 64 Languages

We are happy to announce that we recently added the Google Translate Widget to the footer of our website! You will now be able to conveniently browse the No-IP website in 64 languages. We will also be adding additional languages to our Support Section soon. We hope this new feature makes our website a little easier to navigate. To choose your language, simply scroll to the footer of our website and click the Google Translate dropdown in the lower left corner, choose your language and voila!

64 languages

Do you enjoy this new feature? How did you translate our website before? 


Domain Registry of America Scam

Scammers. What would we do without them? We have talked about the Domain Registry of America Scam before, but we recently got a letter in the mail from one of them and wanted to share it with you so you don’t get scammed too. As you can see, they are trying to claim that if the domain is not renewed through them, it will be lost. They are also charging $35 a year, $20+ more than the industry average for a year of a .com domain name. What the letter doesn’t say is that it is a total scam. (Click here to view a larger image of the letter)


How did they get my contact information?
When you register a domain, you need to provide the registrar with a valid name, mailing address and email address to provide to the WHOIS database, without this information you cannot register the domain. Shady domain registries troll the WHOIS records for domains that are soon to be expired and send a letter or email to the owner of the domain. It usually says something along the lines of “your domain is expiring soon, you must renew it before you lose it” What they don’t mention is that your domain is not currently registered with them and the transaction would actually be a domain transfer, not a renewal and at a price that is most likely 3 times as much!

You can avoid this entire scenario by purchasing or adding Private Registration to your domain name. Private Registration removes your contact information and inserts ours. We filter out all of the bad emails and snail mail and only forward the important stuff.

Receive free Private Registration when you add it to a domain or register a new domain! Expires 10.31.12. Coupon Code:  PRIVATE

*not valid on renewals or with any other offers, management reserves all rights.

Have you or a friend ever received one of these letters or email scams?


New Laws Needed to Curb Patent Trolls

Did you know that last year alone there were 247,713 patent applications in the United States? The first Patent Act of the U.S. Congress was passed on April 10, 1790, titled “An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts”. But at what point do Patents stop promoting “useful arts”? The recent Samsung vs. Apple Patent lawsuits has brought forward some funny and ridiculous patents. Things like “rounded corners” on smartphone devices and finger gestures to switch between screens. Silly patents aren’t the only thing that is inhibiting discovery and innovation, patent trolls are too.

According to Wikipedia, a Patent Troll is someone that:

-Purchases a patent, often from a bankrupt firm, and then sues another company by claiming that one of its products infringes on the purchased patent;

-Enforces patents against purported infringers without itself intending to manufacture the patented product or supply the patented service;

-Enforces patents but has no manufacturing or research base;

-Focuses its efforts solely on enforcing patent rights; or

-Asserts patent infringement claims against non-copiers or against a large industry that is composed of non-copiers.

Gigaom recently released an article about Patent Trolls. It disclosed that Twitter because it is a large and profitable company, is often the target of patent trolls. These frivolous lawsuits typically take months, sometimes years to fight and hundreds of thousands of dollars. The troll isn’t even held responsible for these costs if the lawsuit is found to have been filed without merit.

A recent study at Boston University estimated that in 2011 alone, these baseless patent troll lawsuits cost U.S. technology companies more than 29 billion dollars.

Twitter and other companies that fall victim to these trolls are often forced to employ large teams of lawyers and employees focused solely on researching and fighting the lawsuits. If a patent troll were to attack a small company or startup, this could easily close their doors forever, further inhibiting innovation and discovery, all of which our country (and the world) were built on.

There is something that needs to be done to stop these baseless lawsuits from scaring individuals and companies into doing amazing new things. A new bill was announced in Congress last month by Representative Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon), the Saving High-tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes (SHIELD) Act [PDF], would force these patent trolls to pay for all fees related to the frivolous lawsuits if it is found to have no merit, thereby hopefully curbing some of these lawsuits from ever being filed.

What are your thoughts or comments on patent trolls? Please share your comments below.

Also, be sure to share this if you enjoyed it and do not feed the trolls.

Happy Birthday No-IP!


That’s right, it is our birthday today, lucky number 13! We want to celebrate with all of our users who have helped us get here by offering a giveaway! Just answer the following question for a chance to win. The first 20 users to answer will win a No-IP t-shirt!

Tell us how long you have been using No-IP and what you use us for.

The winners are as follows:

Claudio Antonelli
Karl Håkansson
Ivan Tomovic
Robert Hedell
Jimmy Utterström
David T Connolly
Charles Farence
Ezzine Karim
Andrey Z
Erik Vonderscheer
Grant W
Pedro Chavez Gomez
Sebastian M
Cleber Medina

Congrats! If you are one of the winners, please email ngoguen-giveaway[at]no-ip[dot]com with your T-Shirt size and mailing address.

Managed DNS Outages Can Happen: Be Sure Your DNS is Diversified

A large majority of websites today experienced downtime because their provider experienced major technical difficulties. Many people complained on Twitter because that same provider hosts all of their web services, not just their website’s hosting or DNS.  One tip to live by is to diversify your services. If one provider is handling your email, DNS, and web hosting, you have a single point of failure. If that provider goes down, so does your online business activity for the day.

Websites are crucial to most businesses. I ordered a pizza earlier and because one pizza places website was down, I couldn’t view their menu online. You know what I did? I found another pizza place. This is just a drop in the bucket, but it can greatly affect small/large businesses that depend heavily on their online e-commerce.

How can you diversify your managed DNS?

Already have a DNS provider? You can have No-IP’s infrastructure act as a backup to your primary DNS in the event that it goes offline.  No-IP Squared works by having your current DNS provider list our DNS name servers on the domain.  Your zone then needs to be configured to back up to us too.  Once you specify your providers master DNS server IP in our manager, we will begin backing up and serving queries for your domain, if there is ever an outage. So, if your primary managed DNS provider goes down, your DNS records will automatically failover to ours, and your website won’t experience any downtime.

You can also do the opposite; No-IP as your primary managed DNS provider, and another provider set as the failover.

Remember, there are no upsides to downtime. Make sure your website is running on a rock solid foundation by not only choosing a fully redundant DNS provider but also by ensuring that your DNS is diversified.

Interested in a solution? Our Technical Support team is here to help! Give us a call today for more information.

Have you or your business ever been affected by a DNS outage? Share your thoughts below!