Losing a Domain: What it Means for Your Company and Users

Last week, a router manufacturer lost access to two of its customer-facing domains. They use these domains to give their customers access to their router configurations. The reason for the loss was a simple oversight; the company did not remember to renew their domain names in time. When they realized the error, it was already

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5 Reasons Every Small Business Needs Server Monitoring

server monitoring

Every 5 years, 20 percent of all small businesses experience unexpected downtime. This downtime often causes major damage, resulting in permanent closures for 25 percent of businesses who have a significant incident. Businesses, especially those without huge IT teams and millions of dollars in revenue, can’t afford to experience unexpected downtime. Not only does it cost them time

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30 Things You Can do While Waiting for a Record to Update


One minute may not seem like a lot of time, unless of course you have ever run on a treadmill. However, that is as long as it takes to update a record on the No-IP server. An update is any change made to a hostname or domain name which can include, setting a new TXT record

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How I Went to Mexico Without My Dogs and Didn’t Freak Out!

travel dogs

Last week I spent five days in sunny Cancun, Mexico. My husband and I took the trip as a late honeymoon and we have never traveled together out of the country. We were excited but also nervous because, like many of you, we own dogs.  We actually have three dogs and no kids, so obviously

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A Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates

When it comes to your company’s website, security is king. You want to make your users feel safe when entering in personal data on your website. This is especially true for company’s that sell products and services like Amazon, but also for other sites that require accounts to be created like Facebook or Twitter. The easiest

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11 Tips for Using Dynamic DNS Like a Pro

pro tips

At No-IP, we know that you have questions about using our services and we want to help. We asked our industry-leading Support Team to create a list of tips that you may find helpful.  All of the tips are related to setting up and running our Free and Enhanced Dynamic DNS services, check them out below. 

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Why Branded Email is Good for Business

Branded Email

Nothing drives me crazier than getting an email from a company at mycompanyname@gmail.com. It looks tacky and unprofessional and makes me wonder if they are a legitimate business or some sort of phishing scam. Usually, it makes me take my business elsewhere. There are many reasons your business needs to use a branded email. Find

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The Top 5 Domain Name Mistakes You Are Probably Making

Choosing a domain name for a business is exciting and scary all at the same time. You want to make the right choice, while still leaving yourself open to other options in the future. It’s easy to think that the right choice is www.yourbusiness.com, or if that is taken www.yourbusinessnameandcity.com. But there are certain domain

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Support Question of the Day: Why does my hostname get deleted even though I am running the Dynamic Update Client Application?

Halloween Costumes for the High Tech

Halloween costumes can be the worst. Ever year you end up at the the store, deciding between the generic pirate or a polyester super hero suit, that is inevitably going to be duplicated by countless others. And if you have a child it can be even worse! You spend $80 so your child can be

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