10 Gift Ideas for the Tech Geek in Your Family – Holiday Buying Guide

Trying to find the perfect gift for the techie in your life but have no idea what they want? Let No-IP help! We have come up with a list of gifts guaranteed to impress. Check them out below. 1. UDI U818A Drone  It might not deliver mail to your door but, for less than $70, the UDI

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Get Treated not Tricked this Holiday Season!

It’s Halloween, which means you and your little goblins are prepping for a night of fun filled tricks, treats and maybe even a little scare!

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What is Dynamic DNS and what can you use it for??

When I tell people what I do for a living, they don’t get it. I mean, they get that I am a marketing manager, but they don’t understand what the company I work for does exactly. “Oh DNS, yeah no.” I often find myself going into a full blown explanation of DNS only to see their

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The Top 5 Signs You Should Invest In DNS

DNS is an integral component of your overall website strategy. So why should you invest? Individuals and enterprises alike spend valuable resources creating and promoting their brands and forget about managing perhaps the most important aspect of it – their domain name.

These are the Top 5 Signs you should invest in a managed DNS solution.

1. You have ever said, “Our website is up, but you can’t get to it.”

2. You rely on your website for revenue generation. Less downtime= more money in your pocket. Even a few minutes of downtime can end up costing you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

3. Your website only has one Managed DNS provider, or you rely on your hosting providers DNS.

4. You don’t have a budget to manage your DNS in-house, or the desire to worry about it.

5. If you want your website to be fast. With our 100+ points of presence across the globe on our Anycast network, your users will be connected to the server that is located closest to them. This makes connecting and loading webpages on your site faster.

So, why not invest today? Sign up for Managed DNS now.


8 Interesting Facts About Domain Names


Did you know that there are over 148,344,875 domains currently registered?

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9 Easy Ways to Choose a Safe and Secure Password


We are quickly becoming accustomed to hackers gaining access to passwords.

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How to Setup Remote Access For a Computer With a Dynamic IP Address

Remote access is a cool tool to setup if you would like to access your computer remotely from work or while away on vacation.

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Snotty Ron Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

snotty ron chocolate cupcake recipe

We have received SO many requests for the Snotty Ron Cupcake Recipe, that we finally decided to share it with everyone!

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3 Ways to Ensure Your Website Will Experience 100% Uptime

managed dns website traffic

The holiday season is fast approaching, this time of the year is typically where most businesses make most of their earnings.

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What is Remote Access and How Can I Use It?

remote access

Remote access is the ability to access a computer or device remotely. It sounds simple enough, right?

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