3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Website Secure

It seems like every day we hear about another website being hijacked, or attacked in order to get user information or to be used as a temporary web server to host illegal files. So it is important to make sure that your website is secure not only for yourself but for your potential users. So how

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What is SPAM?

Every day you receive emails, like LOTS of emails, from your work, your family and the many websites you use for social media, shopping or entertainment. It can seem overwhelming at times sifting through all the clutter to find the emails you need because your inbox is bogged down with so much “junk mail.” We

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Why Your Website Needs an SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates are a great way to increase the value of your company, by adding an extra layer of security to your customers and boosting the website’s SEO.  It is especially important to have HTTPS since Google announced that it would affect companies search engine rankings. Don’t know what an SSL certificate is? Let me

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The Top Reasons You Need A Personal Domain Name

Domain Names, they aren’t just for celebrities and businesses anymore. Sure, you might think you don’t need a domain name unless you own a company or want to start a blog, but you are wrong. Purchasing your personal domain, especially if the .com is available, can and will be useful in the future. Why may

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8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Digital Clutter

Spring is here. For most of us that means, scrubbing the house, cleaning the garage and locating the lawn mower that you shoved into the shed, never to be seen again. We spring clean our houses, spruce up our yards and put so much time and effort into making the physical things in our life

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The Benefits of No-IP’s Managed Access Platform

No-IP’s new Managed Access platform provides remote access via Dynamic DNS on your custom domain. There is no hardware required as No-IP is already integrated in most internet connected devices. We make security installations easy by streamlining hostname setup and providing your on-site technicians with Dynamic DNS and Port Forwarding support. You can provide your clients with

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Get Organized: Simple Ways to Declutter Your Inbox

If you, like me, get tons of emails everyday then you understand how hard it can be to sort through them. You might read an email and forget to respond, then spend the next two days trying to find it in your inbox because you have received 200 emails since then. It is easy to get

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There’s An App for That! No-IP’s Favorite Mobile Apps

Did you know the No-IP team has a small obsession with technology? So it is no surprise that they use their phones for more than just calls and text messages.

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We Got Game! No-IP’s Favorite Video Games of 2014

This year at No-IP, we have played our fair share of foosball in the office. But outside of work it’s all about the video games! So we decided to find out what games were most loved by our staff of semi-professional foosball players.

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Top Level Domains | What TLDs are used for what?

At No-IP, you can choose from a number of Top Level Domains when registering for a domain name. Many people however don’t know exactly which one to pick. So what are they and what are they used for? .com – This TLD was designed specifically for commercial use. It quickly has become the most popular

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